Login to your account

Enter username and password.

Forgot your password?

Click here to reset your password

If you password is not working or if you forgot it, please click reset link above and:
  1. Ensure to provide your center number
  2. Provide the phone number and email address registered for your center (Headmaster's phone number or other contact number provided)
  3. Remember, PASSWORD IS CASE SENSITIVE. If your password has both uppercase and lowercase or lowercase only or uppercase only, make sure to enter as such

Forgot Password?

Please provide the following details to get your password

Details you provide must be the details you provided for your Center

Enter username, Phone number and Email address.
NOTE If you can not remember some of the details required above. Provide the following:
  • Centre number/ emis
  • Centre name
  • Station number
  • District(PLE)
  • Head teacher's name and telephone contact
  • Head teacher's teacher registration number
  • DIS's name and telephone contact(PLE)
  • Scan both National and school ID
Send the above information to eRegPrimary@uneb.ac.ug (for Primary Schools) / eRegSecondary@uneb.ac.ug (for Secondary schools)